The Loki Falcon 8, a remarkable addition to the expedition lineup by Loki Expedition Vehicles, is complete crafted in America. This dedication to American manufacturing not only ensures a high-quality vehicle but also reflects a commitment to local craftsmanship and excellence. The Loki Falcon 8 stands as a premier platform for independent, self-sufficient, and sustainable travel.
Loki Expedition Vehicles has again chosen Outbound, again, as its trusted partner for the comprehensive range of products required in the Falcon 8 series. This decision, rooted in the excellent experience with the Discovery series. The Loki philosophy emphasizing quality and service, reinforces Loki’s commitment to delivering top-notch expedition vehicles equipped with reliable and high-quality components, all proudly made in America. The Loki Falcon 8 elevates the overall functionality, durability, and performance, offering a seamless and satisfying experience for enthusiasts seeking adventure and exploration.